The latest pest and disease medication guide!

In the process of farming operations, many crops will suffer from pests and diseases. In the face of various pests and diseases, everyone is at a loss. I don’t know what medicine to use. In order to help farmers to solve the problem of pests and diseases, I have searched for the most complete pests and diseases. Classification and control formula.

Frost disease

Main diseases: downy mildew, late blight, white rust, Phytophthora root rot, etc.

Biological prevention: Pythium oligocarpa / Trichoderma virens / Bacillus licheniformis / berberine + sodium alginate

Chemoprevention: Mancozeb / chlorothalonil + polymycin / Wuyin + humic acid / brown sugar

Initial formula: nail cream manganese zinc / dipropionamide / enoyl manganese zinc / cream urea manganese zinc / cream mildew hydrochloride / + allicin + polymycin / Wuyin + humic acid / brown sugar

Medium-term formula: Fluoride cream, Milwaukee (silver) / Nongmiao No. 1 / Pyraclostrobin / ketone cream, urinary nitrile (supplemented) / propionamide, mildew (Pulke) + chlorobromoisocyanuric acid +Multimycin/Wuyin + Humic Acid / Brown Sugar

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, onions and garlics. If the disease occurs, the level is increased by one level, and the speed of prevention and control is fast.

Tomato tendon rot prevention: Take the enemy stable (sputum tebuconazole) + humic acid / brown sugar

Tomato rot disease treatment: Yinfa Li (Fluoric Fungus Mildew) + Suppressing Clean (Veulone Cream Urea) + Humic Acid / Brown Sugar

Mucor disease

Main diseases: gray mold, leaf mold, sclerotinia, etc.

Biological prevention: Trichoderma / berberine / catechin + sodium alginate

Chemoprevention: Mancozeb / chlorothalonil + polymycin / Wuyin + humic acid / brown sugar

Initial formula: iprodione / pyrimethanil / procymidone + phenidazole + allicin / chlorobromo isocyanuric acid + polymycin / wuximycin + humic acid / brown sugar

Mid-term formula: niacinamide / cyprodinil + phenidazole + allicin / chlorobromoisocyanuric acid + polymycin / wuximycin + humic acid / brown sugar

Foliar formula: benzimilerazole + polymycin + allicin + humic acid / brown sugar

Coal mold formula: Iprodione + phenidazole + allicin

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, onion and garlic

Main diseases: brown spot, anthracnose, black spot, leaf spot, early blight, etc.

Preventive formula: Polymycin/Wuyin + sodium alginate

Therapeutic formula: Agricultural Spectrum No. 1 / azole drug + allicin + polymycin / Wuyin + humic acid / brown sugar

Prevention of ecchymosis formula: mancozeb/carbendazim/methodazole/chlorothalonil + sodium alginate

Treatment of ecchymosis: triazoles (benzimidazole, propiconazole, flusilazole, tebuconazole) / imidazoles (prochloraz, fluconazole) / methoxy acrylates (ether bacteria) Ester, pyraclostrobin) / diimide (isourea) + chunleimycin + allicin + humic acid / brown sugar

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, onions and garlic

Note: The dosage of azole drugs in the melon and bean seedlings is halved, and the solanaceous fruits are used with caution before flowering and fruit setting.

Powder rust

Main diseases: powdery mildew, rust, etc.

Preventive formula: Polymycin/Wuyin + sodium alginate

Therapeutic formula: azole drug / acetonitrile / enestrobin + allicin + humic acid / brown sugar + silicon fertilizer

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, onions and garlic

Note: The dosage of azole drugs in the melon and bean seedlings is halved, and the solanaceous fruits are used with caution before flowering and fruit setting.

Root wilt disease

Verticillium wilt

Preventive formula: horseradish/copper acetate/copper sulfate+humic acid+five EM/CM (trichoderma harzian)

Therapeutic formula: carbendazim / agricultural spectrum No. 1 / nail cream carbendazim + Jinggangmycin / pyrimidine nucleoside / polyclonal antibiotic + Wuliang root powder + EM / CM

2. Bacterial wilt

Preventive formula: horseradish / copper acetate / copper sulfate + humic acid + Wuliang EM / CM

Therapeutic formula: streptomycin sulfate / neutrophin / killable / thiabium copper + Wuliang root powder

3. Phytophthora root rot

Preventive formula: horseradish / copper acetate / copper sulfate + humic acid + Wuliang EM / CM

Therapeutic formula: Agricultural Spectrum No. 1 / evil cream manganese zinc (anti-virus cockroach, good effect on downy mildew, Pythium, white rust fungus) / propionamide cream mildew (Pulke) + carbendazim + nail care + rooting Peptide + EM / CM

Stem-based rot

Preventive formula: horseradish / copper acetate / copper sulfate + humic acid + EM / CM

Therapeutic formula: methyl thiophanate + carbendazim + pyrimidine nucleoside / polyclonal antibiotic + Wuliang EM / CM

Sclerotium disease

Preventive formula: copper acetate / copper sulfate + humic acid + EM / CM

Therapeutic formula: iprodione / pyrimethanil / agricultural spectrum No. 1 / procymidone / sclerotium net + allicin + polymycin

6. Bacterial wilt

Preventive formula: carbendazim / propyl zinc + amino oligosaccharide

Therapeutic formula: Jiatuo + Fumeishuang + Iprodione / Agricultural Spectrum No. 1 / Benzimidinazole + Mimiamide

7. Desolation

Preventive formula: horseradish / carbendazim / propyl zinc + Wuliang EM / CM

Therapeutic formula: methyl thiophanate + carbendazim + nail cream manganese zinc / eclipse manganese zinc + Trichoderma harzianum

8. Root knot nematode

Control formula: avermectin / poison · Xin / Fuqi + chitin + rooting powder

Suitable for crops: Solanum, melon, beans

Growth point atrophy

1. Viral disease (in high temperature, drought, pest stage, soil Zn deficiency)

Preventive formula: oligosaccharide / nymidine / humic acid / white sugar + zinc copper silicon molybdenum nutrition

Initial formula: morpholinium hydrochloride / 胍 胍 copper acetate / octosamine acetate + chlorobromoisocyanuric acid + humic acid / white sugar + zinc copper silicon molybdenum nutrition

2. Boron deficiency (growth point shrinkage, vein wrinkles, empty stalks)

Therapeutic formula: humic acid + boron fertilizer + plant enzyme activator

3. Calcium deficiency (new leaf shrinkage, dryness, dry burning edge)

Therapeutic formula: humic acid + calcium fertilizer + plant enzyme activator

4. Phytotoxicity, especially 2,4-D phytotoxicity and triazole phytotoxicity (leaf stalk shrinkage)

Initial formula: first spray with a large amount of water, then spray humic acid + plant enzyme activator

Medium-term formula: watering, fertilizing, and foliar application of humic acid + plant enzyme activator

Comprehensive deficiency: 1500 times spray with the function-rich foliar fertilizer , once

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, onions and garlic

Bacterial disease

Main diseases: bacterial soft rot, bruise, spot disease, etc.

Disease characteristics: thin, transparent, bright, scattered, point, pus

Preventive formula: neutrophin + sodium alginate + Ca fertilizer

Therapeutic formula: thiabium copper / agricultural spectrum No. 1 / streptomycin sulfate / neo-phytomycin / can be killed / leaf azole + chlorobromoisocyanuric acid / allicin + humic acid / brown sugar + Ca fertilizer

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans

Viral disease

Main diseases: yellowing, fern leaves, streaks, etc.

Preventive formula: oligosaccharide / nymidine / humic acid / white sugar + zinc copper silicon molybdenum nutrition

Initial formula: morpholinium hydrochloride / agricultural spectrum No. 1 / 胍 胍 copper acetate / octosamine acetate + chlorobromoisocyanuric acid + humic acid / white sugar + zinc copper silicon molybdenum nutrition

Suitable for crops: Solanum, melon

Physiological disease

Main diseases: low temperature freezing damage, high temperature injury, deficiency, etc.

Control formula: Bibao + humic acid / brown sugar (spray) + microbial fertilizer (root)

In the case of deficiency, the above formula + lack of nutrients can be used alone or with the functional foliar fertilizer to spray the foliage.

Suitable for crops: all crops

Vegetable adversity

Main diseases: wind, rain, etc.

Preventive formula: Iprodione + chlorothalonil / carbendazim + thiabium copper + Biprotect + humic acid / brown sugar

Suitable for crops: all crops


Vegetable remedy

1. Spray water to rinse. After spraying the wrong pesticide or causing the phytotoxicity, the leaf can be quickly sprayed with a large amount of water when the early liquid has not been completely penetrated or absorbed, and washed repeatedly 3-4 times, and the liquid on the surface of the plant is washed away as much as possible.

2. Spray the reliever. If it is caused by acidic agents, add appropriate amount of quicklime when spraying water;

The phytotoxicity caused by alkaline agents can be added with appropriate amount of vinegar when spraying water.

If the phytotoxicity is caused by the excessive application of copper sulphate, 0.5% of the quicklime can be sprayed to save;

After being harmed by the stone sulphur mixture, the medicinal damage can be alleviated by spraying 400-500 times of rice vinegar on the basis of water washing.

3. Irrigation and detoxification. When the phytotoxicity is caused by excessive application of soil, the field should be washed with water as early as possible, so that a large amount of drugs can be discharged from the field with water;

On the one hand, increase the cell water content of vegetable crops, promote metabolism, reduce the relative concentration of pesticides in the body, and reduce the degree of phytotoxicity;

On the other hand, it reduces the concentration of pesticides in the soil and reduces the toxicity of pesticides to crops.

4. Add fertilizer in time. After crop damage occurs, growth is hindered and the growth is weakened. If nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer or decomposed organic fertilizer is applied in time, the affected plants can be gradually restored to growth and improve their ability to resist phytotoxicity.

Suitable for crops: all crops

Plant pest classification and control drugs

1. Small insects (aphids, thrips, whitefly, locusts, etc.)

Control medication: eucalyptus oil / AKTA / imidacloprid / acetamiprid / nitenpyram / matrine / cucurbitine / azadirachtin / spinosad (for lepidopteran, double-winged, pteridophyte efficient, Ineffective for sucking and mites)

Anti-Puma Formula: Aketai + Spinosad

2. Large insects (cabbage, leaf curlers, beetles, etc.)

Control drugs: nuclear polyhedrosis virus / Bacillus thuringiensis / avermectin / carbaryl / chlorantraniliprole (highly effective against lepidoptera) / flubendiamide / spinosad (cabbage)

Formula for controlling leaf nails: a vitamin salt + spinosyn

Control lepidopter formula: chlorantraniliprole / carbaryl salt + spinosyn

3. Aphids (red spiders, white spiders, etc.)

Control drug: avermectin / carbendazole / oxazolidine

4. Underground pests (蝼蛄, 蛴螬, golden worm, tiger, cockroach, etc.)

Control medication: entomopathogenic nematode / chlorpyrifos / phoxim

5. Nematodes (root knot nematodes, etc.)

Control drug: thiazophos

6. Mollusks (snails, cockroaches, etc.)

Control medication: tetraacetaldehyde


1. Commonly used protective fungicides (contact fungicides)

Mancozeb, chlorothalonil, sulfur and copper preparations (such as Bordeaux mixture, copper hydroxide, basic copper sulfate, basic copper chloride, cuprous oxide, etc.).

2. Commonly used systemic fungicides

Carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl, metalaxyl, triadimefon, diniconazole, phenidazole, propiconazole, azoxystrobin, ether oxystrobin, propamocarb, enoylmorpholine, cream Urea cyanide, pyrimethanil and the like.

3. Broad spectrum fungicide

Chlorothalonil, mancozeb, Nongmiao No. 1, thiophanate-methyl (transformed into carbendazim in plants, effective against spots, powder rust, mucor, ineffective for frost-like diseases), zinc propyl .

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