Fruit tree trimming is not messy, these techniques must be understood!

Fruit tree plastic trimming is a technically important work in fruit tree cultivation. Because there are too many factors affecting the effect of plastic trimming, and the practicality and experience of the operation are very strong, the pruning reaction is not seen at that time, which makes people feel that the plastic trimming technique is unpredictable and difficult to grasp.

If we change our thinking and perspective, we will refine and merge all the pruning basis, shaping target and influencing factors, and lead the three elements of “potential, shape and energy” and their dialectical relationship. Scientific and reasonable, simple and practical, and foolish, and it is easy to get the desired trimming effect.

First, the standard and regulation of the potential

1. What is “potential”?

"Potential" is the soul of the tree, the living thing, and the most intuitive expression of the balance between vegetative growth and reproductive growth of fruit trees. The situation of "potential" affects and determines the flower bud formation in the tree body. It is the concrete embodiment of the vitality and value of the fruit tree, and is the main basis for formulating various cultivation measures. From the perspective of production, tree potential is the key to the cultivation and management of fruit trees. When the tree potential is well regulated, the cultivation goal of “early fruit, stable yield, high quality, simplification and high efficiency” can be achieved.

2. What is the target tree?

The moderate and strong tree is the ideal target tree. There are many ways to judge the tree potential. The easiest way is to observe the growth potential of the annual branch.

1 The standard of moderately robust trees is: the average length of the peripheral new shoots is 30~40 cm, no autumn shoots or short autumn shoots, thick branches, short internodes, darker skin, thicker cortex, full buds, high quality Medium and short results account for about 80%.

2 The judgment criteria of Qiangwangshu and Xuwangshu are: the average length of the peripheral new shoots is more than 40 cm, and the annual shoots of the strong spring trees are short and the autumn shoots are short, and the annual shoots of the virtual prosperous trees are short and the autumn shoots are long.

3 The criterion for weak trees is: new shoots are short and short, medium and short branches are slender, pale, thin, and top buds.

3. How to apply the pruning control tree?

The pruning and adjustment should be based on the purpose of promoting the transformation of Wangzhi and weak branches to the moderate and healthy state. In the fruit period, the moderately strong trees should generally cut about 30% of the total branches. The weak trees should be appropriately increased (30% to 50%), and the trees should be appropriately reduced (15% to 30%). Strong Wangzhi splits the potential, increases the growth point by slow release, transfer and other methods, and uses dispersing water and nutrients to ease the forces. If the virtual stagnation is too dense, it can be properly removed. If there is space, it can suppress the bud. Weak branches can reduce growth points by means of weakening and remaining strong, thin and thick, dredging and remaining, and concentrate water and nutrients to enhance the forces.

Second, the reasonable standard and regulation of "form"

1. The concept of "shape".

"Shape" is the outer shell of the tree. It is the size and structure of the trunk, branches and branches of the fruit tree skeleton. It has a great influence on the growth and development of branches, buds, leaves and fruits. The highest state of plastic pruning is no "shape", a garden is the "shape" of a group, a tree is the "shape" of an individual, and a branch is also a "shape". The condition of "shape" is more influenced and determined. The state of space and light energy utilization.

2. The criterion for judging whether the "shape" is reasonable.

Whether the "shape" is reasonable or not, the criterion is: Does the "shape" respect and utilize the characteristics of the growth results of the fruit tree variety, whether it fully occupies and utilizes the space it deserves, and whether the blade can capture the solar energy to the maximum extent? Whether photosynthesis is convenient for people to work in trees or under trees.

3. The regulation of "shape".

The "shape" must be realized by pruning. The idea and order of shaping and pruning are: first cut the group, then cut the individual (a tree), then cut the big branch, and finally the pruning group and the branches and buds. Plastic pruning is to constantly adjust, construct and maintain the "shape" suitable for their inherent space, so that the tree, branches and branches can always fully occupy and utilize their own space, so that the leaves intercept the largest sunlight. Can come to photosynthesis. At the same time, we must also create a "shape" that is convenient for people to manage the operation of trees and underground fields.

Third, energy-saving cultivation

Fruit trees are also a manifestation of material energy. The roots continuously absorb water, minerals and other energy from the ground. The leaves continuously carry out photosynthesis, synthesize light energy, carbon dioxide and water into organic energy, and grow into roots, stems, branches, buds, flowers, fruits and leaves. Wait for new forms of material energy. The main energy saving measures are:

1. Plan to close planting. Avoid the planting density of the fruit trees is too large and the management is not in place. After the crown is formed, there is not a long time for a large number of results, and it is severely depressed and thinned.

2. Enhance the tree. The economic life span of apple trees in general is decades, but many orchards plan to phase out and update in less than 20 years, resulting in energy wastage of trees that have been accumulated with large amounts of photosynthetic products for many years.

3. Reasonable trimming. Avoid consuming too much photosynthetic products to build a disordered and unnecessary tree skeleton.

4, high quality cultivation. If the fruit quality is poor, it will artificially reduce the energy value of the photosynthetic product.

Fourth, the dialectical relationship of "potential, shape, energy"

What is a tree? The tree, "potential", "shape" is also one! Good tree = good potential + good shape.

Plastic surgery like a carpenter to live, adjust the situation like a Chinese medicine doctor. Plastic trimming = carpenter doing live + Chinese medicine. The "energy" of the tree should be transformed into: the moderate and strong momentum + scientific and reasonable shape + high-yield and high-quality fruit.

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