Taiwan area fire safety equipment operation safety specification

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Various types of commonly used rescue equipment are important equipment for firefighters in disaster relief work. Disc cutters, chain saws and other types and sizes of rescue equipment can correspond to different environments, space, and materials, and the main power of the equipment is the internal combustion engine. The power of the engine, gas drive, and electric power is powerful, and the components such as the demolition and cutting equipment are tough and sharp metal materials. It is necessary to use the demolition equipment for the demolition work in accordance with the safety precautions to ensure the safety of firefighters.

In special circumstances (except normal circumstances) that cannot be covered by this guiding principle, on-site personnel should exercise their professional judgement and integrate the overall situation of people, events, times, places, and objects for the most timely and appropriate disposal.

First, the history of the case

(a) Case

1. When it happened: June 21, 2008.

2, site overview:

A member of the team discovered that the disc of the disc cutter was unusable due to multiple disasters during the morning trials. Therefore, it was replaced during the trial period, but after the replacement was completed, it was not confirmed again. The trial was conducted, and the direction of trial movement did not face the direction of safety. As a result, the disc was sprayed toward the front of the station because it was not securely locked. Fortunately, no casualties occurred.

3. Casualties: None

4. Case review:

(1) Replace the disc with reference to the original operating manual, and under the guidance of experienced colleagues, do not try to find out by accident.

(2) After the equipment is replaced and the test is started, it must be done in a safe and appropriate place to prevent accidents from affecting others.

(II) Case 2

1. When it happened: March 16, 2012.

2, site overview:

When the team member ○ ○ performs forced access to the fire service within the jurisdiction and uses a disc cutter for forced entry, the hole cover of the disk inlet of the disk cutter is not securely locked, and the cutter is lifted when cutting, the fuel is The sleeves of fire protection clothing flowed into the fire protection clothing. When cutting, a large amount of sparks were generated and the spilled fuel ignited. Unfortunately, the player’s body suffered multiple second-degree burns.

3. Casualties: 1 firefighter injured

4. Case review:

(1) When the maintenance equipment adds oil, the fuel tank cap must be locked tightly to prevent the fuel from spilling and burning, causing the operator to burn (burn).

(2) Operation When the oil spillage occurs in the demolition equipment, the rescue operation should be stopped immediately and the engine should be shut down, and the fuel tank hole cover should be re-locked. As the oil has penetrated into the fire protection clothing, it should be replaced by someone else using the original rescue equipment or other rescue equipment to perform the rescue operation.

Second, safety precautions

(a) General rules

1, regular maintenance

All kinds of rescue equipment must be regularly maintained according to the original instructions. Good maintenance is the basis for maintaining the normal use and safe operation of the demolition equipment.

2, the fuel tank cap is really locked

Demolition equipment driven by the engine must be tightly locked after the fuel tank to prevent the fuel from overflowing and burning, causing the operator to burn (burn) injuries.

3, regional delineation

Each blade of the demolition cutter is surrounded by a dangerous zone. During operation, non-operators are strictly prohibited and must not be directed toward others.

4, avoid spark initiation

In the environment where flammable gas or gas is present on the site, the demolition equipment that can avoid sparks should be selected to cause explosion with fireproof flowers.

5, complete equipment

Before operation, wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as a full set of fire-retardant shoes (rescue clothing), gloves, and goggles according to the characteristics of the equipment and the disaster site environment. Wear air respirator, earmuffs, headgear, and personal flashlight depending on the site conditions. (Figure 1)

6, prior inspection

Check the appearance of the equipment and the integrity of each part before operation to ensure that the equipment is in good condition. (Figure 2)

7, installation confirmation

Before operating the saber saw, aerodynamic cutting saw or other rescue equipment, please confirm whether the saw blade is installed properly to prevent the saw blade from ejecting during operation, causing danger or personal safety problems (see Figure 3), and select an appropriate cutting blade (such as Fig. 4) The surrounding area of ​​the saw blade, chain, and blades is a hazardous area and non-operators are strictly prohibited during operation.

8, material confirmation

The saber saws (reciprocating saws) and aerodynamic cutting saws must be made of materials other than tempered glass before cutting the glass. Before using other demolition equipment, it is also necessary to confirm that the material of the demolition equipment is suitable for the demolition of objects.

9, full attention

The operator must concentrate on the operation, be in a stable position and really grip the handle. (Figure 5)

10, stand firm

When operating various types of rescue equipment, the operator must maintain the stability and balance of standing at any time, do not overextend the body in order to effectively control and operate the equipment, and respond to unexpected situations and avoid accidents where the center of gravity is unstable and falls.

11, to avoid electric shock

When performing the rescue operation, pay attention to whether there is any wire or electric device inside the object to be removed, and avoid touching the wire or live space to prevent the operator from receiving electric shock.

12, cutting guide

When the cutting tool is used to cut (break) the workpiece, a guide groove (break) is cut on the workpiece at a low speed, and then cut continuously at a high speed.

13, vertical cutting

Keep the cutting direction in a straight line, prohibit lateral force, to avoid damage to the equipment; if you need to turn to cutting, you need to remove the equipment and then break it again.

14, observe the situation

Pay attention to the condition of the demolished objects (collapsed, popped, and broken) and the condition of the equipment (broken, stuck, abnormal sound, unusual vibration) during the operation, so as to prevent the rescue personnel from being injured or causing secondary injury to the injured.

15, security concerns

The deputy must assist with safety. If there are safety concerns, the operator must immediately stop the operation.

16, stop moving

If you need to move the demolition equipment, add oil, replace the battery and gas cylinder during operation, you must stop the operation of the equipment before proceeding.

17, backup program

There should be a back-up support program for long-term operation so that equipment and personnel can fully rest.

Careful high temperature and sharp surface

18. During the operation, attention shall be paid to the high-temperature scald which may be caused by the demolition object, the saw blade, and the chain, and the harm that may be caused by the sharp surface of the demolition object.

19. Close immediately

The engine must be turned off immediately after the operation is completed.

(b) Disc cutting machine

1. Environmental assessment

Prior to cutting, the risk of flammable (explosive) material hazards in the operating environment must be assessed.

2, blade selection

According to the demolition object, a suitable blade is selected and, if necessary, wet cutting is performed, and the blade is surely fixed and locked. (Figure 6)

3, adjust the angle

Before starting, adjust the angle of the protective cover to avoid sparks or shavings from cutting and injuring personnel. (Figure 7)

4, prevent jet

When you start, you must face no one to avoid the accident that the cutting blade malfunctions. (Figure 8)

5, smooth operation

After starting, check whether the rotation of the disc is stable and smooth.

6, prevent spray injury

Other personnel must be kept away from the work area when cutting to avoid being hurt by sparks or chipping.

(c) Chain Saw

1, tight adjustment

Before operation, check the tightness of the chain and pre-fix: if the tightening is too tight, the rotation speed will not be improved; if it is too loose, the chain will be thrown out during cutting. (Figure 9)

2, lubrication inspection

Before starting, check whether the lubricating oil is enough to prevent the chain from breaking during cutting. (Figure 10)

3, operation evaluation

When chainsaws are used to cut trees, the direction in which the trees fall should be evaluated before operation.

4, prevent flying debris

When cutting off cracked wood, there is a fear that the wood chips will fly and care must be taken.

5, remove foreign objects

If foreign objects are caught in the chain plates or chains, they should be immediately stopped and should be removed before operation.

6, safety handle

If you need to pause during the cutting process, immediately close the safety handle. (Figure 11)

7, on the protective cover

Turn off the chain protector immediately after shutting down to avoid cutting injury. (Figure 12)

(d) Sabre saws (reciprocating saws)

1, prohibited from water

When operating in rain or wet conditions, the water flowing into the implement increases the risk of electric shock.

2, keep the blade sharp

Keeping the saw blades clean and sharp allows for optimal operation, which facilitates operation and control and reduces the risk of injury.

3, to avoid the wrong start

Pick up, carry, or store tools; and when adjusting or swapping accessories, unplug the battery or battery and make sure the switch is in the off position to prevent accidental start-up. (Figure 13)

4, clasp the saber saw

During the cutting operation, the saw blade may suddenly get stuck on the cutting object, causing the saber saw to exert a reaction force on the operator.

5, hold the rail seat

When operating, be sure to hold the rail seat firmly, so that the rail seat is against the workpiece, to prevent strong vibration, resulting in excessive shaking of the saw blade, resulting in danger. (Figure 14)

6, careful high temperature

Do not touch the saw blade or the workpiece immediately after operation. These parts may be very hot and cause injury.

(five) aerodynamic cutting saw

1. Avoid mistakes?

First install the parts (including blades) for each part before connecting the cylinder line. Make sure the cylinder is closed before connecting.

2, pay attention to avoid leakage when bonding

When joining, check whether the gasket is sealed or if there is any foreign matter at the joint.

3, pressure confirmation

Confirm the cylinder pressure to master the use time. (Figure 15)

4, to prevent electric shock

Since the body of the equipment is of all metal material, care should be taken if there is concern about the conductivity, such as: whether the gloves are wet, whether there are wires around or the gloves are used.

5, use the axe

A small axe is embedded in the body, and the axe can be used to create an operating space before cutting. (Figure 16)

6, wet cutting

If there is any doubt about the explosion at the job site, you can pour the cutting oil supplied with the original factory at the place you want to cut to avoid sparks. (Figure 17)

7, pressure relief

Immediately after use, close the cylinder and remove the pressure inside the tube.

8, rust-proof cleaning

After use, maintenance is performed on various parts with lubricating oil. Since the aerodynamic cutting saw can be used in water, maintenance after the story and rust prevention are particularly important. (Figure 18)

(VI) Hydraulic Demolition Equipment Group

1, the object is stable

Attention should be paid to whether the vehicle body or the items to be demolished are stable. If it is not stable, it should be fixed with rubber ties so as to prevent secondary damage caused by collapse when it is broken.

2, maintain the hydraulic oil full capacity

The hydraulic tank must be kept at full capacity at all times to avoid damage to the oil pump when the hydraulic oil is insufficient, and the oil pressure cannot be driven by the lost hydraulic pressure (push rod).

3, to avoid damage

When operating or picking up, avoid dragging and stepping the hydraulic hose on the ground. The sharp objects on the ground may cause the hydraulic hose to be damaged and broken, causing serious injury to personnel.

4, the pipe joints do join

The operating hydraulic pressure of high-pressure tubing hydraulic oil can reach more than 600 Bar. The tubing joints must be inspected for proper connection. There is no foreign matter at the joints to prevent them from falling off during operation and causing damage.

5, vertical force

When using a demolition shear, apply force in the direction of the vertical demolition to prevent the demolition shear from breaking due to lateral forces. (Figure 19)

6, fixed and stable

In the top and drawing operations, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the fixing point is firm to avoid causing the equipment to eject. (Figure 20)

7. Pay attention to the drop or splash of the demolition

When performing a demolition operation, the metal or sharp objects of the demolition fog may fall or splash and cause secondary injury to the operator or the trapped person. Attention must be paid to prevention.

8, to avoid sharp damage

After the demolition material is broken, the surface will be sharp and can be covered with cotton cloth, blankets or other substitutes to prevent the disaster relief personnel from being injured.

9, cover the lid

In order to ensure the cleanliness of the oil pressure pipeline, the cover of the hydraulic pressure pipe joint must be covered after the operation is completed to avoid touching the ground and sticking the gravel or contaminating the operator's gloves so as to prolong the oil pressure tool. life. (Figure 21)

(7) Rock crushers (electric and hydraulic)

1, to avoid the wrong start

Install the parts (including drills) for each part before connecting the power drive lines and avoid touching the switches.

2, select and fix the drill

Use the correct and proper drill bit and tighten it firmly. (Figure 22)

3, prior inspection

Check whether there are any concealed wires, gas or water pipes at the place to be demolished to avoid secondary disasters.

4, avoid steel

Avoid steel bars as much as possible to avoid damage to the drill bit.

5, to ensure that the fixed

As far as possible, do not apply the implements firmly or narrowly, and if necessary, give the implements and operating personnel adequate fixation or assurance. (Figure 23)

6, pay attention to temperature

Pay attention to the temperature of the drill bit at any time and properly cool it to prevent the drill bit from breaking.

7, prohibited from water

Do not use it in the rain to avoid the risk of electric shock or conduction. (electric type)

(8) Lifting the air bag group

1, the object is stable

Pay attention to whether the body or the top should be stable. If it is not stable, it should be fixed with rubber ties so as not to cause secondary damage when the top moves.

2, the work place to avoid sharp objects

Check all non-sharp objects, such as glass and nails, at the operation site to prevent damaging the top lifting airbag, causing damage after the top lift.

3, pay attention to avoid leakage when bonding

When joining, be sure to check whether the gasket is sealed, if there is any foreign matter at the joint, and if the pressure regulator switch is closed.

4, set the use of pressure

Check if the pressure regulator switch can actually regulate the pressure in the output air bottle and decompress it to the proper setting of the service pressure (factory-recommended pressure).

5, fixed to ensure

During the operation, make sure that the contact between the lifting bag and the target object is stable without shaking, and if necessary, add a sleeper.

6, place the appropriate location

When used, the top lifting bag must be placed in an appropriate position, using 75% of the area under gravity.

7, auxiliary materials

According to the status of the object, select the type of jacking bag. If sharp objects or high-temperature objects come into contact, use auxiliary materials such as protection plates and anti-slip pads. If the bottom of the jacking bag is to be used, you must lay the sleepers below. Prevent sagging or loosening when lifting.

8, safe operation

If using 2 lift bags, the largest airbag should be placed at the bottom. (Figure 24)

9, to avoid dangerous operations

Never stack more than 3 top-lift bags at the same time or place items between two top-lift bags to avoid ejecting items. (Figure 25 shows a three-stack error demonstration).

10, pay attention to the lifting process

Turn on the pressure regulator switch, pay attention to observe the top object, grasp the entire situation, and operate slowly.

11, auxiliary security support

After the object is raised to a predetermined height, auxiliary materials such as a sleeper or a pad can be used to assist in support and fixation to prevent accidental fall of a heavy object to ensure safety.

12, confirm the residual pressure

After the operation, confirm that there is no residual pressure in the air tube and then remove it.

This article refers to the firefighters' usual training and disaster relief practice experience, pooling possible hazards to the operators, and putting forward countermeasures as safety precautions for daily training and rescue operations to ensure firefighters' disaster relief safety.

This article is edited and compiled by China Rescue Equipment Network. Please indicate the link.

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