Yoga mat how to buy yoga blankets how to clean

I believe that there will be some friends around to practice yoga, practice yoga can make the body more and more curves, you can also enhance temperament. There are many people who begin to practice yoga slowly. To learn yoga, you must first prepare a yoga blanket . So what do you need to pay attention to when choosing a yoga blanket ? The following Xiaobian and everyone will talk about the method and related knowledge of yoga blankets .

Yoga mat purchase method

1. When choosing the length of a yoga mat, it must not be shorter than the height. The width must not be narrower than the shoulder width.

2. The thickness of the choice is best about 6mm, if the mat is too thin, the joint will feel pain when touching the ground, too thick will affect the stability of the standing action.

3. The elasticity of yoga blankets is also very important. When choosing, you can observe the elasticity of the yoga blanket and squeeze the yoga mat with your hands. If you feel that the two fingers are easily kneaded together, it proves that the yoga mat is too soft. Such a yoga mat is Thicker, joints such as knees can also hurt when they touch the ground. If the yoga mat is hard and not very good, our fragile skin is unacceptable, and it is easy to break and it is not easy to store. Be sure to choose a flexible, soft and hard yoga mat to match your practice.

4. The uniformity of the yoga blanket. Flatten the yoga mat and observe its even foaming. If the foam is uneven, it will be easily damaged during use. If the foamed bump is broken, it cannot be repaired.

5. Moderate weight. Because the yoga mats need to be carried around in many cases, try not to choose too heavy mats in order to carry them around.

6. The non-slip surface of the mat, the mat is tiled with the palm of the hand pressing the mat and pushing forward. If the mat slides on the ground or the hand slides on the mat surface, it means that the slip resistance of the mat is not very good. It is possible to cause unnecessary injuries during the exercise. Such mats should be used with caution.

How to clean yoga blanket

With more and more people practicing yoga now, the cleaning of yoga mats has become very important. The key to the cleaning of the yoga mat is to protect the non-slip tissue on the yoga mat, because these non-slip tissues are the most important parts of the yoga mat and are important weapons to protect against physical injury when practicing yoga. The less dirty yoga mat can be cleaned by pouring two cups of water and 4 drops of dishwashing liquid in the sprayer, spraying the yoga mat after shaking evenly, and then dry it with a dry cloth. If the yoga mat is dirty, you can use a detergent powder to wash it, rinse it, and then use a dry towel to dry the water and let dry in a cool place.

The above is the yoga blanket purchase method that Xiao Bian brings to everyone, how to clean the yoga blanket . After reading the above introduction, you will be more aware of how to choose when you choose yoga mats later. If you want to know other related information, please continue to pay attention to this site. More exciting, please stay tuned!

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