Vegetable fertilization should be "six look"

a type of fertilization

Beans and vegetables have nitrogen-fixing nodules, requiring less nitrogen and more phosphorus; root vegetables and potato vegetables require more potassium fertilizer; leafy vegetables require more nitrogen fertilizer; fruit and vegetable three elemental fertilizers should be applied in appropriate amounts.

Second, see climate fertilization

When the temperature is high and the rain is heavy, the fertilizer decomposes quickly and is easy to lose. The application of fertilization is small and the application is small; the temperature is low, and when the rain is low, it is necessary to apply more early, and it is better to ditch the water.

Three look at soil fertilization

Black loam and light loam have good fertility and fertilization, and should be applied more. The sandy loam soil has poor fertility performance and should be applied less frequently.

Four look at the seedling fertilization

Fertilization of vegetables is generally “small seedling period, stable flowering period, heavy fruit period”; in the early stage, nitrogen fertilizer is the main factor, medium-term nitrogen and phosphorus combination, and late nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium combination; early maturing varieties should be applied early, late-maturing varieties should be applied late; To make the seedling stage grow steadily.

Five look at fertilizer fertilization

The farmer's fertilizer has long effect, the nutrition is comprehensive as the base fertilizer, and the fertilizer fertilizer is quick to be used as top dressing; urea as top dressing should be applied 4 to 6 days in advance, and the phosphorus fertilizer has small mobility, which can be used as base fertilizer, seed fertilizer and top dressing, but it should be opened when topdressing The ditch is concentrated to the root layer.

Six look at fertilization

Ammonium sulfate, ammonium bicarbonate, human excrement is an acid fertilizer, can not be mixed with grass ash; ammonium chloride, potassium chloride can not be used in potato and other fluoride crops; urea as a root dressing can not exceed 1% concentration is appropriate.
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