International Mineralogy Association officially recognizes cubic boron nitride

Abstract Editor's note: This week, the International Mineralogical Association formally recognized a new mineral - CBN, 2009, University of California, Riverside, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists from China and Together with the German scientific research institutions, in the Qinghai...
       This week, the International Mineralogy Association officially recognized a new mineral, cubic boron nitride. In 2009, scientists at the University of California, Riverside, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and research institutions from China and Germany. Together with the peers, natural cubic boron nitride was found in the chrome-rich crust of the ancient oceanic crust about 306 km deep in the southern mountainous area of ​​the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Cubic boron nitride is an important technical material. The team named the new mineral qingsongite (the ite ite represents salt) under the name of Fang Qingsong, professor of the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. Its atomic structure is similar to the structure of carbon atoms in diamonds, so it has a high density of properties, comparable in hardness to diamonds, and is often used as an abrasive and tool material.

        As early as 1957, American researchers first artificially synthesized cubic boron nitride under high temperature and high pressure conditions, but natural cubic boron nitride has not been discovered. Until 2009, scientists from the University of California, Riverside, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, together with colleagues from Chinese and German research institutions, were rich in ancient oceanic crusts about 306 kilometers underground in the southern mountainous region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This mineral was found in chrome rock, which formed crystals at a high temperature of about 1300 degrees Celsius and a high pressure of 118,430 atmospheres.

        The team named the new mineral qingsongite (the ite ite represents salt) under the name of Fang Qingsong, professor of the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. Fang Qingsong first found diamonds in the chrome-rich rocks of Tibet in the 1970s, and he also contributed to the discovery of four new minerals.

        “The uniqueness of qingsongite is that it is the first boron mineral discovered to be formed under extreme conditions in the depths of the earth.” Larisa, a geologist at the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of California, Riverside, who participated in the study. Duboznaskaya said: "All other known boron minerals are found on the surface of the earth."

        Cubic boron nitride is an important technical material. Its atomic structure is similar to the structure of carbon atoms in diamonds, so it has a high density of properties, comparable in hardness to diamonds, and is often used as an abrasive and tool material.

        The International Mineralogy Association receives at least 100 applications for approval of new minerals and their names each year, and more than 4,700 minerals have been confirmed so far.

A captive bolt pistol (also variously known as a cattle gun, stunbolt gun, bolt gun, or stunner) is a device used for stunning animals prior to slaughter.

The principle behind captive bolt stunning is a forceful strike on the forehead using a bolt to induce unconsciousness. The bolt may or may not destroy part of the brain.

The bolt consists of a heavy rod made of non-rusting alloys, such as stainless steel. It is held in position inside the barrel of the stunner by means of rubber washers. The bolt is usually not visible in a stunner in good condition. The bolt is actuated by a trigger pull and is propelled forward by compressed air or by the discharge of a blank round ignited by a firing pin. After striking a shallow but forceful blow on the forehead of the animal, spring tension causes the bolt to recoil back into the barrel.

The captive bolt pistols are of three types: penetrating, non-penetrating, and free bolt. The use of penetrating captive bolts has, largely, been discontinued in commercial situations in order to minimize the risk of transmission of disease.

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