Ten major problems in the field of wheat herbicides in early 2018

1. The stock was insufficient before the year, and the stock was severe after the year.

Insufficient supply after the year is a very common problem. This year is particularly serious. From the beginning of the seventh day of the year, the weather in the north is fine, the temperature is rising, the herbicides in the wheat fields have entered a small peak, and the dealers have increased their telephone calls. Insufficient, reason. a, the temperature is low, the amount of herbicide is small, the dealers do not dare to stock up; b, the manufacturer can not accurately predict the market capacity of the herbicide in the future, plus the use of herbicides into the later stage, manufacturers do not dare to mass produce goods; c, Years ago, the supply of herbicides was tight, especially the common herbicides. The manufacturers did not have enough original drugs, and the preparations were naturally in short supply. d. The herbicides in the wheat fields were highly selective and varied. The manufacturers could not accurately predict the types of weeds in the field and The area of ​​occurrence, individual varieties can not be stocked a lot. e. The concentration of herbicides is concentrated and the logistics impact during the holiday period.

Even if you make a phone call, you still have money and no goods. In the face of this situation, the dealers must have a stocking amount based on the sales in previous years. According to the weather conditions this year, observe the occurrence of mainstream weeds in the field and the reasonable sales of their own sales area. Do not appear serious out of stock phenomenon, and finally a small amount of inventory is not a problem, seize market opportunities.

2, after the medication, pay attention to the compounding between herbicides and insecticides , fungicides, and foliar fertilizers .

After the year, wheat is prone to some pests such as red spider and sheath blight. Many farmers prefer to mix some fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilizers when they want to fight herbicides. It is not recommended to mix them, especially triazoles. Agents, mixed with herbicides are highly susceptible to phytotoxicity, organophosphorus pesticides can not be mixed; followed by some special herbicides, such as methyl disulfuron, isoproturon, flufensulfuron, oxadiazon and other herbicides themselves There are requirements for the use of technology, generally not allowed to be mixed, prone to phytotoxicity; the final control target is inconsistent, it is not recommended to mix, the herbicide is mainly for weed control, insecticide, fungicide , foliar fertilizer is mainly applied to wheat Mixing does not achieve the desired effect.

3, the new broadleaf weeds such as Po Po Na, Niu Fan Yu and so on have a large area and are difficult to prevent and control after the year.

Pork chop, sauerkraut and leeks are common weeds in wheat fields, and they are also mainstream weeds in most areas. However, weed communities have changed in recent years, and some inferior weeds have gradually increased to dominant weeds, and the area has increased year by year. For example, the mother-in-law and the cattle scorpion are common in the wheat field, and it is not easy to prevent. The commonly used formula in the market is benzosulfuron + diflufenazone + oxafludone, tribenuron + flupiroxine + oxadiazon, etc., in the younger period of weeds, the temperature is relatively high The medicine can achieve good control effect. However, in the case of large branching and flowering, there is basically no control effect, so the difficulty of prevention and treatment increases after the year.

4, the increase of more ryegrass, the emergence of resistance is difficult to prevent!

The ryegrass was the first to cause damage in southern Henan. In the past two years, in many major wheat producing areas, the ryegrass increased year by year, which had a great impact on wheat yield. According to the dealers, the ryegrass in Zhumadian had developed resistance. Difficult to prevent and control, the production of resistance to acesulfame, azole, oxazolone, methyl disulfuron has a certain effect, but after the resistance is formed, even if the above two components are compounded, they can not prevent More farmers said: If you can control the ryegrass, it is also willing to use 100 yuan per mu, showing the difficulty of weed control and the anxiety of farmers. The occurrence area of ​​ryegrass in all parts of the country is inevitably increasing, so it has put forward new tests for manufacturers, and has developed and tested effective prevention and control products as soon as possible. Dealers should pay attention to the generation of resistant weeds in the promotion process, and do not want to exaggerate the product effect.

5, the number of wheat increased, the amount of methyl disulfuron increased, pay attention to the problem of phytotoxicity after the year.

It is well known that the area of ​​wheat weeds in the wheat field is increasing day by day. At present, the herbicide which is better for controlling the wheat and the longer-time promotion is methyl disulfuron, but the biggest disadvantage of methyl disulfuron is that it is prone to phytotoxicity. Especially in the case of large dosage, low temperature, and cold weather in seven days before and after medication, it is prone to phytotoxicity. In severe cases, the particles are not collected. Although the regions have a long history of use, you can master the method of use, but still need to remind Everyone: When recommending the use of medicine by farmers, on the one hand, observe the weather, on the other hand, do not let the farmers increase the amount of medication at will.

6. The area of ​​grass weeds increased, and the cost of farmer control increased.

The vegetative wheat and wild oats are common grass weeds in wheat fields. They have become mainstream weeds in the past two years. When farmers apply pesticides, they are no longer a single control of broadleaf weeds. They need to be completely removed, but they are controlled by grasses. The cost of grass is very high, so the cost of mu in the prevention and control of weeds by farmers is generally 15-20 yuan/mu. At the same time, higher requirements are placed on the level of plant protection technology of distributors. When distributors sell herbicides, they must be based on farmer's fields. The type and size of weeds should be properly dispensed. Do not let farmers use ineffective herbicides to increase costs, and it is not conducive to their own brand.

7, medication after the year, seize the best period of weed control.

Every year, the weeds in the wheat field have a small peak period of medication. For most of the regions, the effect of the drug is better than that of the year before this year. Last year, the wheat was planted late due to the weather, and the amount of weeds was very small. The temperature will rise after the year, and there will be a peak of weeding in the weeds. From the current point of view, many areas of wheat have not been closed this year (in the past years, the wheat has been closed), the weeding in the field is not difficult, and the control effect is better. .

8. Last year, wheat was planted late, and the current situation is weak. Pay attention to the problem of herbicide phytotoxicity after the year.

Last year, wheat in many areas was not planted until late October (previously planted in early October). Late in the past month, the overall growth of wheat was slow, and weak resistance to seedlings was poor, especially when using some agents such as oxadiazon. The phytotoxicity occurs, and the peak of the drug is used after the year. The wheat growth is still weak after the year. Pay attention to the recommended dosage and method of use of certain products when selling herbicides.

9, pay attention to the use of herbicides, do not use drugs during jointing

After the year, it is a peak period for herbicides, but the time of administration is very short, because the temperature rises generally higher after the year, and the wheat is soon in the jointing stage. At this time, spraying the herbicide will have an effect on the jointing of the wheat, most of them. Herbicide is not recommended. This year's wheat planting will be relatively late in the jointing period. The herbicide can be used during the period of use. Everyone should seize this good weed control time. Do not take any medicine once the joint is removed.

10, pay attention to the problem of product integration

At present, the occurrence of weeds in wheat fields is relatively serious. The products are widely used, but not all herbicides for controlling broadleaf weeds can be mixed with grass weed herbicides, such as oxadiazon. The combination of 6.9% fenoxazone and emulsifiable concentrate and silicone auxiliaries will produce an antagonistic effect, which may affect the uniform distribution of oxadiazon in water. It is not recommended to be compounded. The oxazolone and the low content of acetylene can be compounded, but note that the amount of oxadiazon is not too large.

More pesticide knowledge , please pay attention to China Pesticide Network

(Source: Good Agricultural Resources)

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