Ceiling installation zero regret out of the mistake is very simple

Part1: Install high quality ceilings to avoid misunderstandings

The selection of materials is the first step in home improvement. Many people basically do not see the detection report of ceiling materials, so they can only choose the ceiling by their own choice. Therefore, consumers have to use their own hands to pick good materials. It must be avoided. Misunderstandings.

Myth #1: Don't let prices blind your eyes

Ceilings are divided into metal ceilings and gypsum ceilings. Generally living rooms use plaster suspended ceilings, while sanitary bathrooms use metal ceilings. Although the same kind of ceiling, the price is also different, some people think that the ceiling is only a small part of the decoration, the purchase of cheap materials; some people value expensive materials, that the more expensive the better. These blind pursuit of price buying methods can lead to wrong selection.

Xiao Bian Weapon: For metal ceilings, due to the purity of the aluminum sheet and the surface technology is not the same, the price difference is relatively large. The best gussets are imported LG laminates, with no color difference and no discoloration for 30 years. The worst is the spray plate, easy to stick smoke, toxic, easy to change color. Therefore, the majority of consumers pay attention to see the material while paying attention to the price.

Myth 2: Metal ceilings are environmentally friendly

Do not think that only the materials that will release formaldehyde will have environmental problems. Many people think that the metal is more environmentally friendly and has little harm to the human body. In fact, this is also a common misunderstanding when it comes to ceiling installation.

Xiao Bian Weapons: High-quality metal plates are more environmentally friendly, but poor quality metal plates contain heavy metals and radiate to the human body. Moreover, the iron content is high and it is easy to rust, and the inferior film is easy to breed bacteria. The LG film is clean and antibacterial.

Myth 3: Only care about sheet thickness

When selecting metal ceilings, consumers want to pick better quality materials. Some people blindly think that the thicker the board is, the better. This is one of the common mistakes in the purchase of ceiling tiles. The thickness of the plate does not represent the quality. On the contrary, a plate that is too thick will affect the appearance and durability of the ceiling.

Xiao Bian Weapon: The key to judging the quality of the sheet is the material, the purity of the aluminum, the quality of the high-quality aluminum gussets, and good elasticity. Inferior aluminum buckle plate iron, high content of heavy metals, plate heavy and easy to break. Therefore, the thicker the better. Home ceilings are generally used in thicknesses of 0.55 mm, 0.6 mm, and 0.7 mm.

Myth 4: The bigger the plate, the better

Some homeowners believe that when buying a plate, choosing a larger one will save a lot of expenses, but the result of the installation is not good, and the effect of hanging ceilings cannot be achieved.

Xiao Bian Weapon: The ceiling buckle is not the bigger the better, as long as it meets the national standard, the width of the aluminum buckle on the market is generally between 10-15 cm. According to the actual situation of the space, choosing the right size plate is the smart consumer.

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